Amazon S3 Overview

Amazon S3 is a scalable, object-based storage service with a variety of features and configurations designed for durability, security, and performance.

Key Features

  • Object-based storage with unlimited capacity.
  • Maximum object size of up to 5TB.
  • Buckets are private by default.
  • Access Controls: Object ACLs, bucket policies, and MFA for write operations.
  • Provides HTTP status codes for operations.
  • Amazon S3 scales automatically on-demand.

S3 Example JSON Response

  "Bucket": "example-bucket",
  "Region": "ap-southeast-5",
  "StorageClass": "STANDARD"

S3 Storage Classes

Storage ClassSLAUse CaseDescription
Standard99.9%Frequently accessed dataGeneral-purpose storage for frequently accessed data.
Standard-IA99.9%Infrequent access data that requires high durabilityLower cost for data that’s accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when needed.
One Zone-IA99.5%Infrequent access within a single AZLow-cost storage for infrequent access, stored in a single Availability Zone.
Glacier Flexible Retrieval99.99%Long-term archival with minutes-to-hours retrievalArchival storage with flexible retrieval options ranging from minutes to hours.
Glacier Deep Archive99.99%Long-term archival with infrequent accessLowest-cost storage, suitable for long-term data retention with retrieval times of up to 12 hours.
Intelligent Tiering99.9%Data with unpredictable access patternsAutomatically moves data between tiers based on usage to optimize costs.
Glacier Instant Retrieval99.99%Archive storage with instant retrievalArchive storage with instant retrieval for rarely accessed data that still needs quick access.

S3 Storage Class Example

  "StorageClass": "INTELLIGENT_TIERING",
  "Transition": {
    "Days": 30,
    "StorageClass": "GLACIER"

Source: Amazon S3 SLA and Storage Classes

Data Management and Security

  • Versioning: Supports object versioning to maintain multiple object versions.
  • Cannot disable once enabled on a bucket.
  • Lifecycle policies available to manage versions and optimize storage costs.
  • S3 Object Lock for compliance and data immutability (WORM – Write Once, Read Many).
  • Governance Mode: Special permissions required to delete.
  • Compliance Mode: Immutable; no one can alter or delete data.

Additional Features

  • Server-Side Encryption with KMS: Secure objects with AWS KMS, although subject to encryption limits.
  • Byte-Range Fetches: Allows segmented downloads to improve download speeds for large files.
  • Multi-Part Uploads: Allows segmented uploads.